Web Development

Quocktail as displayed on iPad and iPhone


Quocktail, a passion project of mine, is designed to help you find the cocktail recipe you want, quickly. On top of Javascript, I used React, Material UI, and Tanstack Router.

Quizify as displayed on iPad


A tech-themed quiz built from the ground up with TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. Leveraging the Quiz API, players can choose from the categories, "Javascript", "DevOps", or "Linux".

Bash Scripts for TV Shows

These scripts are designed to automate the process of creating folder structures and projects for TV shows. Normally this process would take hours over the course of a project, but these scripts do the work in minutes.

Food Delivery Status Page Layout tablet

Food Delivery App Layout

This is a layout for the ordering process of a food delivery app. The layout was reproduced using HTML and CSS from a Figma design. It’s responsive for both tablets and phones down to 330 pixels width.

Coming Soon Page HTML/CSS Layout

MaxStrong Home Page Layout

This is a layout for a fitness brand, reproduced in HTML and CSS from a Figma design. It’s built for both desktop and mobile devices and is responsive down to 275 pixels width.

Shopify Portfolio

Quizify - A Tech Quiz

Galaxy Box

A Shopify store designed around a single product, the Galaxy Box. The store contains a second product that links to an Amazon affiliate product. This is a custom feature I implemented.

Quizify - A Tech Quiz

Two Clothes

A clothes store featuring mens and womens collections built for the brand, Two Clothes. The store features a premium theme, a mega menu, dynamic hot spot image, and the ability to apply multiple filters.